Sauna Q&A / Iglucraft

Why sauna and hot-tub are a perfect combination?

12 Apr 2022

The history of hot tubs dates back to Ancient Egypt, around 2000 BC, where hot tubs were the size of small pools in the culture of bathing and sanitation. The water was then heated on sizzling hot stones for the pleasure and wellness of the bourgeois, which they then bathed in several times a day in aspiration to become god-like.

Ancient Rome mimicked all the good from Ancient Greece, amplifying them, so thousands of baths were built with elaborate saunas and steam rooms - sudatorium and laconicum – combined with hot, warm and cold pools. All for the pleasure of the body's thermoregulation to fulfil a perfect relaxation with its healing side effects.

Human physiology has remained the same over the millennia, and so has the luxurious sauna practices of the ancient world and the magical ones of the Nordics which all have carried on to modern times.

For the past 35 years, we have been treasuring our own sauna practices and rituals - throwing hot water on stones and whisking after that and soaking in a hot barrel (at around 39°C / 102F) followed by tempering in cool, or even icy water.

In a steam room, the body is deeply detoxed by sweating and the elimination of residues accumulated under the skin is intensified by a whisking massage. Additionally, it’s a relaxation for the muscles and the mind. After soaking in water, cooling off in the pool or hot-tub,  or stimulating the body with a cold shower or a bath, the shock effect exercises the heart and the circulatory system and 'massages' the internal organs by dilating and constricting the blood vessels, and activates the body's defences and immunity.

After the self-splurge spree of the stimulation of your body, a flood of calming endorphins from the defence mechanisms takes relaxation to the next level, where the concept of an antique world luxury craving feels closer than ever. With the ability completely unlax - you may find yourself in the path of the ancient Nordic mages, under the influence of endogenous N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT).

Apart from the steam room and relaxation, you can top up the experience by enabling the heat of the hot tub carry you further. Now, the levels of relaxation in the sauna have reached a point where an IT  guru might best explain it with your state of your mind being restarted: it’s like if your BIOS, the operating system of your self, has not yet started running, the cache is still empty and you feel with every cell in your body that ANYTHING is possible...

P.S. If there is no body of water available nearby where to cool off after a sauna, you can also use the barrel or a tub bath to cool yourself down. To do this, fill the barrel with cool water to your liking instead of hot water. Then, after exiting the sauna, take a deep breath out, submerge into and float in the soothing water like a cork, lifting your head out to breathe if necessary. Indulge yourself until your feel the calling to return to the sauna.

Soak up the spirit of the steam!
